Tag Archives: educa

Online Educa Berlin

Tra pochi giorni si svolgerà ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN, la più importante conferenza su e-learning e formazione assistita. Il video introduttivo è (forse troppo) ambizioso e il programma lascia ben sperare: su tutti spicca i MOOC, tema che interessa ben quattro interventi, Serious Games, Learning Analytics, Mobile learning, Open Education Resources. Tutti argomenti di massimo interesse, già da tempo oggetto di analisi e con buone prospettive di sviluppo. Grazie a elearnit per la segnalazione.

Di seguito una breve lista degli interventi più significativi.

MOOCs and Institutional Challenges

Are MOOCs catalysts for innovation in higher education and change agents in the implementation of new institutional strategies? These speakers´ views and experiences highlight where this (r)evolution could be taking us, once all stakeholders are involved.

Learning Analytics and the Optimisation of Learning

The emerging field of learning analytics comes with plenty of promises. Will it really enable teachers to tailor education and create personalised learning environments? Research on this strategic trend for education is ongoing and you can be part of it.

 Plan Your MOOC!

You can read about them, listen to presentations on them and sign up to take part in them… but there’s nothing like designing your own MOOC! Join the expert in this Learnshop for key practical tips to design the core of your first MOOC.

Mobile Learning: If You Think You Know It All, Guess Again

Discover the latest trends and forecasts in m-learning and see where m-learning is going, from digital textbooks to video platforms and even online/offline synchronisation. This interactive Learnshop will be facilitated by e-learning analyst Craig Weiss.